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My first name is Konstantin. My last name is Kamynin. I was born on October 2, 1991. My nationality is partly Russian and something else.

You may think that I am an extremely self-confident bodybuilder, a sportsman or a fitness model as people often call me. But honestly I am a sensitive artist with imaginative nature. I am passionate about theater and music. I am the manager of CONLUCIA Opera Theater. My other passion is for the gym. This is a fantasy world to me where I can relax and meditate.

I am a kind soul and a sociable person but I am a private man. There are few people that I can trust. We can easily get on with each other but our friendship is unlikely to happen. In communication I tend to appear an ordinary, discreet and even a bit silly person. This is my protective response to people. But on the inside I am a spiritually wealthy and very complicated character. I am keen on philosophy and psychology.

I have got three diplomas of higher education: tecnhical, military and theater. I have a passion about cinematography and its soundtracks. I like to be alone, go out alone, go the cinema or theater alone. I love pets more than people.

I am not sexual addicted and do not attend night clubs as you may think of me. I love art. It is my life. I do not consider myself a model but I like to sit for erotic art photographs. It is a part of me and my self-art.

My main goal in life is to give beauty to people. The beauty that may be different: wonderful or terrible. And also the beauty on the edge of these two. I want share my perspective of this world. This is what I am.



Please let us know what are you thinking about Konstantin or you have any questions!

    © 2014–2023 Konstantin Kamynin